About Us

We are group of passionate individuals who recognize the need to take steps to protect Nevada’s dark skies from the increasing threat of light pollution.

We invite you to get involved by joining us and becoming an advocate, as well as experiencing Nevada’s many opportunities for stargazing and astronomy.

To contact us, Send us a message or call 702-913-7944. We promise we read and respond to all messages! You can also connect wtih us on Instagram at Nevada_Dark_Skies

Jonathan Boarini

Ever since moving to Nevada, Jonathan has come to love the wide open spaces and dark skies of this special place. An avid outdoorsman and amateur astronomer, he takes any opportunity to share the wonders of the night sky and the wild beauty of the Great Basin region.

He Chairs the Department of Media Technologies and teaches graphic design at the College of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas, where he resides with his wife and children.

Kevin Swartz

Kevin has always been interested in the night skies. As a small child, he fondly remembers summer nights with his Dad exploring the skies. His career has primarily been in the independent power business. Kevin was on the forefront of many new projects when solar and wind started to make inroads in the power business. When Kevin moved to Las Vegas three years ago, he became a member of the Las Vegas Astronomical Society, and has been very active in the club. Shortly thereafter he joined the International Dark Skies Association and became its Nevada Delegate.